
April 21, 2022

Next-generation sequencing: A reliable tool for the diagnosis and treatment of complicated and recurrent urinary tract infections

URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTIs) are a common outpatient infection, especially in women aged over 65 years. At least 1 in 2 women will have a UTI in her lifetime. In all, 20% to 40% of these women will have 1 recurrence, and, of those, up to 50% will go on to have multiple recurrences.1,2 The gold-standard diagnostic tool for UTI is urine culture, a technology that relies upon the ability of the causative organism(s) to grow in artificial conditions. The problem with culture is that many organisms that cause symptomatic urinary tract infections will not grow on standard culture medium, […]
August 3, 2022

MicroGenDx Expanding Hospital Business Following Reimbursement Decision, Publications

MicroGen Diagnostics is growing its business for targeted sequencing-based orthopedic and urological infection detection on the heels of new contracts and outcomes studies…. the JBJS study showed the MicroGen test detected polymicrobial infections in a majority of cases that had shown no organism growth after standard microbial culture. Karan Goswami, first author on the JBJS study and a researcher at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute in Philadelphia, said in an email that work marks “the largest cohort reporting the utility of NGS in isolating infective organisms in culture-negative cases.”…
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