Why MicroGenDX?
What medical experts are saying about MicroGenDX qPCR + NGS

“Clinicians know that rapid diagnostic technologies are available. They’re demanding it, and we are obligated to provide it…If you don’t adapt and understand new technologies, you will not survive doing what we do.
We had a mold in our mycology laboratory that we simply could not identify…So I said let’s send it to MicroGen for next-generation sequencing, and we got the answer back in four days. We found that the isolate was identified…and clinically relevant. The patient was placed on an appropriate antifungal therapy and got better.
I love the new technology and I see what we can do with it…to help our clinicians and not hinder them, and ultimately to promote the appropriate use of antibiotics.”
— James Snyder, PhD, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Director of Microbiology and Infectious Disease Molecular Diagnostics, Louisville Hospital
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“The urinary tract is a veritable microbial jungle. The prostate less so, but it definitely has its own microbiome…First with PCR, now with next-generation sequencing, our understanding of the microbial communities we live with has completely changed.
The future of managing infectious disease in Urology will involve determining the pathogenic ecology of the lower urinary tract obtained with non-culture molecular diagnostic technology, such as next-generation sequencing (NGS).”
— J. Curtis Nickel, MD, Professor of Urology and Research Chair in Urologic Pain and Inflammation at Kingston General Hospital Kingston, Ontario, Canada

“The major shortfall of biomarkers is that they diagnose the problem but they don’t tell you what the infecting organism is. Next generation sequencing looks at the quantity of DNA that’s in the samples, will run that against the phylogeny of bacteria and fungi, and then it will tell you which bacteria or fungi exist there.
In [periprosthetic joint infection] cases where we have no organism isolated – the culture negative cases of up to 50% in some centers – MicroGenDX gives you very useful information of what the organism is…It can be Gram negative, Gram positive, and in some samples they have isolated fungi.
A majority of the people that deal with periprosthetic joint infection have been waiting for technology like this. I think the timing is great.”
— Javad Parvizi, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Director of Clinical Research, Rothman Institute View video
As our growing collection of physician testimonials from multiple specialties confirms, MicroGenDX offers a leap forward in diagnosing and treating both routine and challenging infections. As a result, countless medical professionals have greater confidence in their diagnoses, experience improved treatment outcomes, and have enhanced the trust of their patients.
How does MicroGenDX provide you with this consistent level of success? By delivering the gold standard for DNA sequencing diagnostics at the lowest cost worldwide: qPCR+NGS Read more about qPCR+NGS diagnostics here
MicroGenDX qPCR + NGS offers a clearer path than culture to improved patient outcomes

Traditional Culture
DIAGNOSTIC TEST Culture performed with highly variable turnaround times (days to weeks) | EFFECTIVENESS
| TREATMENT Best guess antimicrobial Rx for treatment, without diagnostic evidence to support efficacy | OUTCOME Repeat Office Visits With no symptom resolution, patient suffering is prolonged and costs for treatment are increased |

MicroGenDX qPCR + NGS
DIAGNOSTIC TEST qPCR+NGS performed with consistent, rapid turnaround times (24-48 hrs qPCR, 3.5 days NGS) | EFFECTIVENESS
| TREATMENT Research-based antimicrobials for consideration in treatment, based on the Sanford Guide and Johns Hopkins Guides | OUTCOME Targeted, Rapid Symptoms Resolution Relief of patient suffering with lower overall costs for treatment |
- Nickel, J. Curtis. “Infection and Prostate Cancer: “The Old Story”” January 23rd, 2020. Accessed Oct 2020. http://rusty.grandroundsinurology.com/infection-and-prostate-cancer-the-old-story/