MicroGenDX featured on LifeTime Television | MicroGen Diagnostics

MicroGenDX featured on LifeTime Television

MicroGenDX was recently featured on LifeTime Television’s “The Balancing Act.” They had this to say:

MicroGenDX’s Next Generation DNA Sequencing delivers precise data for the diagnosis of infections with accurate microbial identification. Compared to traditional culture labs, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) identifies 100 percent of the microbes within a sample with 99.9 percent accuracy. Plus, NGS detects antibiotic resistance genes for eight antibiotic classes, and delivers an antibiotic recommendations sheet.”

To read more, visit the Balancing Act at https://thebalancingact.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-next-generation-of-dna-sequencing/

Or visit MicroGenDX at microgendx.com

You can watch part of the episode in the video below, shared from The Balancing Act’s YouTube channel.

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