MP23-06 An utilization of next generation sequencing of urine samples for monitoring of urinary tract infections in patients with neurogenic bladder | MicroGen Diagnostics

MP23-06 An utilization of next generation sequencing of urine samples for monitoring of urinary tract infections in patients with neurogenic bladder

Journal of Urology, 199 (2018) e283. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2018.02.738

The Journal of Urology. 2018;199(4S): e283. Supplement, Friday, May 18, 2018.

Meeting Abstract: In a retrospective study, urine-derived nucleic acid samples were assessed using qPCR + NGS to monitor 13 neurogenic bladder patients. All 13 patients had between 1 and 9 microorganisms present, 10 with a high bacterial load and one with 5 fungal species. Nine patients had antibiotic resistance genes, with 6 having multidrug resistance. Significantly, quinolone resistant E.coli was present in many of the patients, suggesting a required change from empiric therapy to a tailored treatment protocol. Read Abstract

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