Evaluation of the bacterial diversity of pressure ulcers using bTEFAP pyrosequencing. | MicroGen Diagnostics

Evaluation of the bacterial diversity of pressure ulcers using bTEFAP pyrosequencing.

BMC Medical Genomics 2010 3:41. doi:10.1186/1755-8794-3-41

BMC Medical Genomics. 2010;3:41-52.

Research Article: Bacterial tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing was used to identify the bacterial populations in 49 decubitus ulcers. Decubitus ulcers are shown to be polymicrobial, highly variable (228 genera identified among 49 ulcers) microbial communities dominated by 3 to 10 microorganisms, with obligate anaerobes found in significant proportion. In the decubitus ulcers of diabetics the microbial populations and composition may be significantly different from the communities in non-diabetics. The highly unique profile of each individual wound would require a therapeutic approach tailored to the patient’s respective wound microflora and traditional culture is largely inadequate in determining the microbial composition of many chronic wounds. Read Article

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