An in vivo polymicrobial biofilm wound infection model to study interspecies interactions. | MicroGen Diagnostics

An in vivo polymicrobial biofilm wound infection model to study interspecies interactions.

PLoS One. 2011;6(11):e27317.

Research Article: Multispecies biofilms consisting of both Gram negative and Gram positive strains, as well as aerobes and anaerobes, were grown in vitro and then transplanted onto the wounds of mice. Wounded mice given multispecies biofilm infections displayed a wound healing impairment over mice infected with a single-species of bacteria. In addition, the bacteria in the polymicrobial wound infections displayed increased antimicrobial tolerance in comparison to those in single species infections. These data suggest that synergistic interactions between different bacterial species in wounds may contribute to healing delays and/or antibiotic tolerance. Read Article

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