We understand your frustration.
You shouldn’t have suffer with the ongoing pain and discomfort of an unresolved infection. But the reason the antibiotics you’ve received so far aren’t working is likely because your doctor is relying on an old diagnostic technology called “culture.” Watch the video for an overview of problems with that technology, and how MicroGenDX overcomes those shortcomings with more accurate, comprehensive, and effective DNA diagnostics.
Why can't my insurance's in-network lab perform this test?
A common question asked by patients is why this cutting edge technology isn’t always available from labs in their insurance network. That is because this technology is very time-consuming and expensive to develop, and it has taken MicroGenDX 12 years to perfect their testing and offer it at a reasonable price. Other labs simply have not caught up with what MicroGenDX can do more cheaply, more rapidly, and more comprehensively than anyone else. MicroGenDX DNA diagnostics are a unique offering.
DNA diagnostics from MicroGenDX are the right choice for your troubling infection

More reliable and more accurate than standard culture tests
Standard culture grows microbes in a petri dish, and just isn’t that reliable (in fact, many culture results come back “no growth” because the bacteria or fungi causing infection either can’t be grown in culture easily...or won’t grow at all). MicroGenDX DNA diagnostic tests instead identify all of the bacteria and fungi present by detecting their DNA — and do so with 99% accuracy. In fact, scientists now use NGS exclusively to detect microbes in their research, because less than 1% of microbes can even be grown in culture!

Proven effectiveness
MicroGenDX DNA diagnostic tests have a proven track record. There have been more than 35 published clinical studies demonstrating the superior effectiveness of MicroGenDX testing in resolving chronic, complex, or recurring infections, especially as compared to traditional culture. MicroGenDX DNA diagnostics provide your healthcare provider with the information they need to best treat your infection.

Speedy results
Your doctor will receive the first DNA diagnostic results within just 24-48 hours, with a more comprehensive and detailed follow-up in 3.5 days.

MicroGenDX testing is NOT just PCR
Many other laboratories offer DNA testing called “PCR.” MicroGenDX also offers PCR, but combines it with Next-Generation DNA Sequencing (NGS), which is a much more sophisticated form of DNA diagnostics. For example, PCR tests are limited to detecting perhaps 20-30 known pathogens, while MicroGenDX’s NGS can detect up to 50,000, and actually shows the percentage of each so we can see who the main infective culprits might be. That’s a very important difference, especially when treating complex infections that may involve multiple bacterial or fungal species.
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