February 24, 2023
The landmark 14-Site study on the role of Next-Generation Sequencing in Periprosthetic Joint Infections has been acknowledged by the journal as being one of the ten that “will have the greatest impact on patient care.”
August 9, 2022
Largest study of its kind evaluates present and future role of NGS in orthopedic infections.
June 14, 2022
MicroGenDX Provides Rapid Screening for Candida Auris to Help Avoid Outbreaks in Healthcare Settings
Candida auris causes serious infections, and cases are rising across the U.S…..MicroGenDX testing also facilitates the rapid intervention and precautions needed to prevent outbreaks in healthcare settings by returning results within 24-48 hours.
June 6, 2022
Five studies using MicroGenDX molecular testing highlight diagnostic applications, as published in May Journal of Urology
April 21, 2022
MicroGenDX continues to expand its growth and expertise in molecular diagnostics by acquiring sampling innovator Captigen along with Captigen’s extensive inventory of flatswabs. The Captigen flatswab is a cross-platform precision microbial sampling device designed for optimized culture yield, RT-PCR yield, and next-generation sequencing (NGS).