What Organisms Can Be Found from Our PCR Analysis?

MicroGenDX employs both PCR analysis and Next-Generation DNA Sequencing (NGS) Analysis. The PCR analysis is highly-specific and sensitive for the following 16 Microbes:

  • Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans: Gram-negative bacterium associated with a severe infection of the periodontium
  • Tannerella Forsythia: Gram-negative bacterium implicated in periodontal diseases
  • Fusobacterium Nucleatum: Gram-negative bacterium associated with periodontal disease and commonly found in the plaque of humans
  • Peptostreptococcus Micros: Gram-positive bacteria linked to progressive periodontitis
  • Eikenella corrodens: Gram-negative bacterium commonly found in the human mucosal surface due to poor oral hygiene and periodontal infection
  • Capnocytophaga Species: Gram-negative bacteria usually associated with periodontal disease
  • Treponema Denticola: Gram-negative bacterium associated with periodontal disease
  • Prevotella Intermedia: Gram-negative bacterial involved in gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Porphyromonas Gingivalis: Gram-negative bacterium associated with periodontal disease
  • Eubacterium Nodatum: Gram-positive bacterium seen in chronic periodontitis
  • Campylobacter Rectus: Gram-negative bacterium associated with chronic periodontitis
  • Streptococcus Mutans: Gram-positive bacterium found in the human oral cavity and a major contributor to tooth decay
  • Selenomonas Noxia: Gram-negative bacterium related to periodontitis and detected in gingival crevice and periodontal pocket
  • Streptococcus Pyogenes: Gram-positive bacterium linked diseases including pharyngitis
  • Neisseria Meningitidis: Gram-negative bacteria associated with meningitis
  • Candida Albicans: Opportunistic microbe that can cause oral thrush

On top of this, our NGS is able to identify over 57,000 bacteria and fungal species using our proprietary curated database.